
Look forward to inspirational talks

3 days of creative work can leave even the most dedicated designer a bit uninspired, and even the most creative minds need fuel. That’s why we’ve made sure you have the opportunity to attend the most awesome talks during Open Culture Days.

We’ve invited professionals from the fields of design, architecture, open source and plenty others to make sure you receive a healthy dose of inspiration when you work on your projects. It’s free for anyone to attend all of them (also if you’re NOT part of Open Culture Days), and they will be held friday, saturday and sunday.


Talks friday
Morten Fryland
: Morten is co-founder and partner of Playground Marketing where he and his colleagues specialize in creating unique interactive experiences between companies and their consumers. Morten will hold the first inspirational talk of Open Culture Days, and show how data can be used to create meaningful interactive experiences. Mortens talk will be friday at 15.00.

Morten Fryland (2)











Talks saturday

Lars Kristian Engelsby Hansen (top left): Lars Kristian Engelsby Hansen is the solution strategist at Informi GIS and is an expert in geodata and GIS. He is working with GIS and Open Data in the danish public sector and has a huge knowledge about the Open Data movement around the world, especially American Open Data examples. His talk will revolve around working with Open Data in the GIS-business around the world and will take place Saturday at 12.00

Sussi Bianco (top right): Sussi is an expert in field of entrepreneurship and how create startup companies. She runs her own consultant company, Sussi Bianco, helping companies with business strategies, networking and business potentials. She also works actively with Open Data in the health sector with the project CareWare. Her talk will be about entrepreneurship in Denmark as well as Open Data and will take place Saturday at 14.00.

Mie Ellekilde (bottom left): Mie is a project leader at MMeX where she helps museums create captivating and meaningful digital experiences for their audience. She has extensive knowledge on digital experiences for cultural institutions and has through MMeX worked with Open Data in the cultural sector at Hack4DK. Her talk will focus on danish museums way of adapting to the digital world and will take place Saturday at 15.00.

Torben Glock (bottom right): Torben is a project manager at the Citizen Service Department at Aarhus Municipality, working on projects concerning digitalization of the city, citizen involvement and is actively involved in opening up the data of Aarhus municipality. His talk will be about the possibilities within city development when opening up the city’s data. His talk will show you how the Citizen Service Department works with digitalization of the city and will take place Saturday at 16.00.

Lars Sussi Mie Torben collage



Talks sunday

Peter Lange: Peter B. Lange is Executive IT-Architect with IBM. Over the last decade he has worked with the development and implementation of IBM’s global offerings for Smarter Cities and engaged with cities to drive innovation. He is IBM Smarter Cities Challenge Alumni. The Smarter Cities Challenge contributes the skills and expertise of IBM’s top talent to address critical challenges facing cities around the world by putting teams on the ground around the world. His talk will revolve around IBM’s work in helping create the modern smart city and will take place Sunday at 09.45.


Peter Lange er blalalallalallala IBM smart cities ekspert